Archain Timeline Winter-Spring 2018

The Arweave Project
3 min readJan 22, 2018


As you have probably read in our announcement blog post, we are very proud to reveal that Archain has joined the Techstars Berlin city 2018 programme! In order to take full advantage of the vast array of time-intensive project development and growth opportunities provided by Techstars, we have updated our release timeline, the details of which you can see below. Our team is passionate about delivering the best possible value to supporters of the Archain project, and although the main network release date has been altered, we’re truly thrilled about what Techstars will mean for both our supporters and the whole Archain community.

1st February 2018 — Final release of the backer-exclusive alpha test network (BATN.4)

This will be the next and final release of the backer-exclusive alpha test network, where pre-sale Archain contributors can participate in test mining on the Archain network.

22th February 2018 — Release of the first version of the alpha test network (ATN.1)

The first version of the Archain alpha test network available for use by the general cryptocurrency community. Until this release of ATN.1, only pre-sale backers above a certain contribution level have been able to test mine on the Archain alpha test network. However, with this release (and all future releases), anyone who wishes to join our mining community can join the network.

5th March 2018 — Details of the main Archain token sale will be published

Specific details of the Archain project’s main sale period will be announced on this date, including the pricing model, confirmation of the sale platform, and confirmation of accepted payment methods. The details will be published on this Medium blog.

15th March 2018 — Release of the second version of the alpha test network (ATN.2)

The second major public release of the Archain alpha test network.

5th April 2018 — Release of the first beta version of the test network (TN.1)

The test network moves out of its alpha phase with this beta release of the first version of the full Archain test network.

19th April 2018 — Beginning of Archain’s main sale period

The start of the Archain project’s main token sale period.

28th May 2018 — End of Archain’s main sale period

The final day of the main token sale period, the last opportunity to buy until the tokens are listed on exchanges after the main Archain network launches.

8th June 2018 — Release of the main Archain network (N.1), permanent internet archiving functionality, and ArchiveIt!, the Archain’s on-demand permanent storage system.

After this date, storage on the Archain’s main network will be truly permanent, fulfilling the original goal of the Archain project. Once the main network has launched, backers will be able to use, trade, and sell their tokens. This release will coincide with the 69th anniversary of the publication of George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four.

Joining the Techstars family is a pivotal milestone in Archain’s journey towards building information permanence, and an uncensorable, hand-curated archive of human history. We believe the array of opportunities provided by the Techstars programme, including intensive mentoring, broadening the Archain’s financial network, and community building opportunities, will be hugely beneficial for the entire Archain community, both existing and future.

We are excited to have you join us on this amazing journey!




The Arweave Project
The Arweave Project

Written by The Arweave Project

A novel data storage blockchain protocol enabling a permanent serverless web and creating truly permanent data storage for the first time.

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