Arweave News: April

The Arweave Project
5 min readMay 1, 2020


Grants & Funding

There are already lots of exciting projects in the pipeline for the Arweave Boost and Arweave Grants programs. The submission process is ongoing and we are accepting applications for your amazing permaweb project ideas. In need of some inspiration? Check out this list that USV compiled of projects and dapps they would like to see built on Arweave.

Here are some of the projects we are currently funding:

  • Maskbook: A content encryption platform where only you and your friends can decrypt shared content. By @Suji Yan.
  • Feedweave: A decentralised social network and blogging platform. By @Literature.
  • Weiblocked: A censorship-resistant archive of censored posts from China’s Weibo. By @samrahimi.
  • The ARCA DAO: A community run DAO that works to build permaweb apps and improve the Arweave ecosystem. By many.
  • Arweave-over-HF: Transport layer redundancy for the Arweave protocol. By @garrett.

Head over to to get involved now!

New on the permaweb

Quarantine Journal

Quarantine Journal is a simple platform that allows you to permanently submit and store your notes, reflections, and ideas from the COVID19 pandemic. It’s super simple to use the platform, as no wallet is required in order for you to create and submit your daily quarantine experiences to the permaweb:

Feedweave + COVID-19

Feedweave, the decentralized social media platform, is a great place to document and share experiences of the Covid-19 pandemic. So far, people have posted everything from long-form interviews to fitness regimens. Since your Feedweave posts are permanent and immutable, they could be valuable data for future historians. Start posting now:

Permanent Genealogy Tree

Permanent Genealogy Tree is a platform which enables you to preserve your family tree for an unlimited number of future generations. Getting set up is simple: head over to, add your family tree, and login with your Arweave wallet to save it on the permaweb. The platform also allows you to load an existing version by inputting the txid, or uploading a locally saved tree.

Community initiatives


Gitcoin Virtual Hackathon x NYC Blockchain Week

6th — 20th May

To coincide with NYC Blockchain Week, we’ll be joining and sponsoring the Gitcoin virtual hackathon where hackers around the world will compete and build projects that contribute to the blockchain and Web3 ecosystem. Our hackathon challenges and prizes will be announced early next week — stay tuned to our Twitter feed to get the latest updates!

Head over to our hackathon repo to read the full criteria and get involved!

Record the Forks Permafeed

Prize: 100 DAI

This hackathon is to build and run a bot that will archive block hashes and block headers from other blockchains on the permaweb, providing a permanent history of blocks and fork events. Head over to the GitHub issue to find out more.


Since launching earlier this year, the ARCA DAO crew have been busy organising, planning, and implementing new ideas and features to be developed within the Arweave ecosystem. As they reach the end of their first quarter, DAO member Vilenarios recently published a summary of the ARCA DAO progress thus far. The article details their initial operational challenges, organisational processes, funded projects, such as Permasnap and Feedweave, plus much more! Click here to read the full article.

ARCA DAO are always looking for new and enthusiastic members to bring ideas, code, design, and more. Want to chat with them? Head over to the arca-dao Discord channel or make a post on Feedweave.

Future Of Blockchain: Winners

Late last year, we sponsored the Future of Blockchain hackathon, searching for new projects that are built on, or integrate with, the Arweave permaweb. The competition received participants from far and wide, starting at the Universities of Cambridge, Oxford, London and Berlin, and stretching as far as Waterloo and Cape Town. Overall, we awarded £7250.00 and 1,500 AR in prizes across 8 teams, and welcomed submissions that make great use of permaweb, and show potential for further development. Winning submissions include:

1st place and £3,000k + 150 AR:

Hyperaware — a decentralised application for governing connected devices and their data based on their physical location.

Joint 2nd place and £1,500k + 150 AR:

ARRtistry — a distributed art registry with automated artist royalty distribution.

Joint 2nd place and £1,500k + 150 AR:

Decentradocs — ‘world wide library’ decentralised document storage.

Head over to our blog to read more about the winning submissions.

Permaweb Puzzles

Community puzzle master Tiamat is back with a bunch of new brain teasers and this time, there are three puzzles with a total of 500 AR and 2 ETH up for grabs:

🧩 #10

🧩 #11 [steganography]

🧩 #12

For questions and clues, follow @ArweaveP


Arweave 2.0 activates successfully

Earlier this month the Arweave 2.0 upgrade activated on the main network. The live protocol is now capable of storing transactions of almost arbitrary size (bound by the limits of 256 bit unsigned integers), and each transaction can be filled with data transactions from other users. Future work will include updating the clients of the network to take full advantage of these protocol upgrades, including new releases of all Arweave client libraries.

Community spotlight

Get to know more about the people behind the hacking and learn what motivates our community of developers to join, build, and share their creations within the permaweb. In our latest series you can meet Alex, creator of Quarantine Journal: a platform that allows you to permanently submit and store your notes, reflections, and ideas from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Arweave in the wild

Arweave 2.0 Gets File Storage Project One Step Closer to Its ‘Library of Alexandria’ Dreams:

The Digital Panopticon: Arweave and The Permaweb:

Other news

Designing the Identity of Decentralised Internet Memories at Arweave

The awesome Lili wrote a blog post about her process and inspiration behind the recent redesign of the Arweave website and identity. The article explores topics on why the Unicode ⓐ — U+24D0 identity was chosen, UI optimisations for the Arweave community (developers, miners, archivers), inspiration behind the ‘permawall’ and much more. Read the full story here.

Upcoming events

Ready Layer One

RL1 is an immersive virtual event which contains talks, workshops and rants by everyone, from well-known speakers to community-sourced contributors. Arweave’s Sam Williams will be hosting and joining the following events:

May 4th | 18:00 UTC
‘Usecases Beyond DeFi’ session

May 4th | 21:00 UTC
‘Building developer communities in programmable web’ session

May 5th | 16:00 UTC
‘Decentralized Autonomous Web Apps with Arweave’ workshop by Sam Williams

Tickets are free, however there is limited availability — don’t miss out, get yours now! The full RL1 agenda can be viewed here.

See you on the permaweb!



The Arweave Project

A novel data storage blockchain protocol enabling a permanent serverless web and creating truly permanent data storage for the first time.